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B.S. Biology - 2019 Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey 

A.S. Criminal Justice - 2013 County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey 

Areas of Expertise

Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys 

Herpetological Sampling 

Animal Husbandry 

Wetland Delineation 

Summary of Experience

Mr. Michalowicz is an Environmental Scientist with EcolSciences, Inc. As an environmental consultant, he has specialized in the fields of natural resources including rare, threatened, and endangered species monitoring, construction oversight, and general environmental compliance. In addition, Mr. Michalowicz has experience with wetland delineations utilizing the Federal Manual three-parameter approach by identifying indicators of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. Mr. Michalowicz also has experience as a GIS analyst, utilizing both field data collection techniques and conducting desktop geospatial analysis.

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Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance

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