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B.S., - Geology

University of Southern Colorado (Colorado State University – Pueblo), Pueblo, CO

Professional Certifications

NJDEP Licensed Site Remediation Professional (577740)

NJDEP Licensed for UST Closure and Subsurface Investigation (239389)

Licensed Professional Geologist, New York (001159-1), and Pennsylvania (PG-002812-G)

Certified Hazardous Material Manager, Master Level (3907)

NYSDEC-approved Petroleum Bulk Storage facility auditor

40-hour OSHA HAZWOPER and 16-hour Site Supervisor: 29CFR 1910.120(c)

30-hour OSHA and 10-hour OSHA Construction Safety Training

Aerial Lift Safety Training: OSHA 29 CFR 1910 & 1926

Secure Worker Access Consortium (SWAC) Member

Areas of Expertise 

New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Oversight

Due Diligence, Site Investigation and Remediation

Remedial Action Selection/ Remedial Action Oversight

Health and Safety Monitoring and Oversight

Regulatory Compliance

Underground Storage Tanks

Brownfields Redevelopment

Summary of Experience

Charles McCusker, P.G., C.H.M.M., L.S.R.P. has over 30 years of experience as a consulting geologist, developing compliance strategies and technical solutions for environmentally impaired properties.  He has been directly responsible for the planning, management and execution of hundreds of environmental investigations, including extent of contamination studies of organic and inorganic chemicals in soil and groundwater, hydrogeological investigations of water supply systems, vapor intrusion investigations, compliance monitoring and corrective action programs, post-closure monitoring activities and coordination with regulatory agencies. Mr. McCusker also has remediation experience on a wide range of contaminated sites (MGP, dry cleaning, chrome plating,   pharmaceutical,  military, petroleum bulk storage, wood treating, chemical manufacturing,  uncontrolled hazardous waste landfills, drum dump, clandestine drug labs, battery breaking sites, junkyards, automotive repair facilities etc.) and implementation of a variety of remedial measures (engineering controls, institutional controls, pump & treat, in-situ chemical oxidation, bioremediation, incineration, stabilization etc.). Mr. McCusker has also provided geotechnical investigation and oversight services involving a myriad of earthwork projects including landfill construction, waterfront construction, earthen dam construction, transportation projects, (roadways, railroads, airports, tunnels and bridges) and structural failure studies.

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Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance

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