B.S. 2012 - Environmental Conservation (Cum Laude)
Minor in Fresh Water Resource Management
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire
Areas of Expertise
Threatened & Endangered Species Survey & Studies
Transmission Vegetative Maintenance Compliance & Management
Construction Monitoring & Management
Wetland Delineations & Regulatory Review
Geographic Information System Software Projects
Professional Certifications
Wetland Professional in Training - Society of Wetland Scientists
Wetland Delineation Certificate – Rutgers University OCPE
Professional Associations
Volunteer, New Jersey Land Conservancy
Member of the Society of Wetland Scientists
Summary of Experience
Mr. Laue is a Senior Environmental Project Manager with EcolSciences, Inc. He has professional experience in threatened and endangered species surveys and monitoring, the delineation of wetlands, the management of federal, state and local environmental law and associated permit generation. As an environmental project manager with EcolSciences, Inc., Mr. Laue is involved in threatened and endangered species presence/absence surveys, habitat evaluations and construction monitoring activities, as well as wetland and water quality monitoring services during the construction of infrastructure and the assessment of soil stratum, hydrologic and vegetative characteristics of ecological habitats. Mr. Laue also creates maps, figures and tables using GIS software in aid of environmental studies and services and prepares permit applications for General Permits, Letters of Interpretation, Hardship Exceptions and Individual Permits in accordance with the New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act.